Tuesday, April 10, 2012


0-6 seconds, cloud starts to move across screen and first balloon appears

  6-12 seconds, second balloon appears and first balloon rotates, cloud continues to move

12-18 seconds, cloud continues to move and 3rd and 4th balloons appear

18-24 seconds, more balloons appear and boy begins to rise

24-30 seconds, second cloud moves in and second bunch of balloons appears and boy continues to rise

30-36 seconds, boy rises and passes more clouds

36-42 seconds, boy continues to move up but it slows down and first bird flies in, cloud moves across

42-48 more birds fly in and start to peck at the balloons

48-54 balloons begin to pop and boy starts to fall down, balloon pieces disappear and movement down gets faster

54-60 boy falls and land on bird and they stop falling.